I hate effing Friendster. They say my photo album is non-existent. Where did it go? Bloody hell. So now all my photos are gone. Friendster is such a bitch.
Gloria, Gill, Eugenia, Nut and I watched The Dark Knight today. I've been looking forward to this all week. And it was awesome. Well, Heath Ledger was awesome as the Joker. More awesome than Batman himself. It's too bad Heath's dead. He would so get an Oscar for this role. Totally into character. I love him.
Personally, I think Ledger stole the show. Batman was so blah. And he talks funny. Batmobile's cool and all, but he didn't grab me as much as Joker did. I love his demented laughter. Eugenia and I almost pissed ourselves talking and laughing about the movie after. Especially when quoting Joker. "Do you wanna know how I got these scars?" "Why... so... serious? Let's put a smile on that face." Twisted. (: Anyway, I think everyone should go catch it. Good show. Although it's quite long. 253 minutes, apparently. But watch it; Heath Ledger is truly remarkable.
It's almost 12am. So, in advance-
Happy birthday, sis. (:
Love ya.
This was supposed to be a long account of the happenings over the past week or so, but due to my incessant laziness, it probably won't be. I shall try my best to remember everything starting from mass on Tuesday. Rebecca, Mervelle and I bought bubble tea before mass. Bubble milk tea from Koi owns. Hahah. Joachim and I talked a bit and he reminded me about the 5 bucks I owe him. Damn. I wanted to pay him but he insisted I pay him when he comes out- of army that is. So that I'll feel I "owe him something". But I don't. Hahah. it's just 5 bucks. My 5 bucks. Bloody Rafa... It's okay, Fed's still number 1. I'll miss having Joachim around, not to mention in class. Teacher's been great to have around. Sheesh, everyone's been acting like he's dying or something and now me too. Hahah. But I'm sure Aaron and Jessica will try to make it fun. Things are going to be pretty different, but I'm sure it'll be okay. As dear Jason Castro says, "In the end it will all be okay. If it's not okay, then it's not the end!" I love Castro. He seems so cool about everything. No worries, man. Hakuna matata. I'd like to be like him.
Wow, just 10 lines and I'm already too lazy to type. Gee, Annabel, you call yourself a blogger?
Drama Night on Friday was alright. I wouldn't say it was fantastic, nor would I say it was "too short and boring", like a certain someone who didn't even attend the event. However, because of Drama Night Sam couldn't treat Addison and I. Oh wells. Some other time, eh?
Saturday was supposed to be the first class with just Aaron and Jessica, but Aaron didn't come so Jerome filled in. We started the new topic for the term- sexuality. I had to attend class alone because stupid man tou and Jasmine didn't go. Van wanted to sleep. Jasmine's not going again this week because of her brother's wedding, so if Van decides she's too lazy again, I'll stab that little man tou. Stab and then feed her to the birds. (:
Oh there's lunch with Ms Bev on Saturday. I can't wait. There's some catching up to do.
'Twas Teacher's last day today. Jerome and I jointly organised a farewell thing for him. For the past few days I've been anticipating today and thinking about all the things that could go wrong, seeing as it was supposed to be a surprise. And surprises tend to not become a surprise. I knew I was worrying too much but I can't help it. Well it pretty much turned out as planned. Although Joachim himself was late.
The surprise part went quite well. He looked quite surprised. Hahah. We also made him a card thing with class photos and got everyone to write a message in it. I wanted to do one just from me but Jerome wanted to make it a class thing. Actually by 'we' I don't mean the whole class, but me, Mervelle and Jerome. Thanks Mervelle! For contributing your artistic talents even though you're not in my class.( At least you got free bubble tea out of it.) And Jerome, for sticking on the double sided tape. Hahah. Good job guys.
I'll really miss having Teacher around. Jess and Aaron will be teaching us from now on. Not that I dislike Aaron, but I know it's going to be different and probably not as great as last time. And Jess is new too. But I guess I should have a little more faith, and keep an open mind.
During lunch today I think Jasmine, Vanessa and I were being quite anti-social. Jasmine and I were being anti-social too during the class outing. But I felt a bit left out today. I think we all felt it. Ah wells. Tabitha told me Lester's leaving to teach the Sunday class. She's pretty upset about it. That makes it two great teachers gone. Damn.
Bro. Mike's talk today was really entertaining, although I pretty much already knew what he was talking about. He's hilarious. Rachael and I laughed our asses off.
I need a photo with Van and Jasmine together. I shall bring my camera next week. (:
I've got my 5 bucks on Fed for tomorrow. Thrash Nadal!! Please.