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Thursday, 24 April 2008 | 13:41
Trying to be a better version of me for you.
You treat us all like crap, like your slaves, your footstools or something. Out of goodwill we're all kind enough to help you, and what do we get in return? Nothing. In fact, we get treated no better. Running your bloody errands. Why do we do all this for you? You never do anything for us. The right answer would be, "because that's what friends do." But in what way do you treat us like your friends?

Nut and I were talking and we decided we should not be calculative and we should do this unconditionally. Now I'm not so sure.

Then there's you. Trying to be a better version of me for you.

Give Until There's Nothing Left - Relient K

No one told me the right way, the right way to go about this
So I'll figure it out for myself
Cause how much is too much to give you
Well, I may never know so I'll just give until there's nothing else
Yeah, I'll give give give until there's nothing else

Give my all until it all runs out
Give give and I'll have no regrets
I'll give until there's nothing left
I'll give

No one told me how bad I need you (I need you)
But I somehow arrived at that conclusion all by myself (all by myself)
And I want all you have to offer (to offer)
So I'll offer myself and I'll just give until there's nothing else
Yeah, I'll give give give until there's nothing else

Give my all until it all runs out
Give give and I'll have no regrets
I'll give until there's nothing left
Yeah, I'll give give give until there's nothing else
Give my all until it all runs out
Give give and I'll have no regrets
I'll give until there's nothing left

Sometimes it seems like all I ever do
Is ask for things until I ask too much of you
But that's not the way (that's not the way)
I wanna live (I wanna live)
I need to change (I need to change)
Yeah something's gotta give
Yeah something's gotta...

Give give give until there's nothing else
Give my all until it all runs out
Give give and I'll have no regrets
I'll give until there's nothing left
I'll give give give until there's nothing else
Give my all until it all runs out
Give give, give until there's nothing left
I'll give

Screwed up the English paper. :/ Everyone seemed to be pretty satisfied with their essays except for me. Sigh. I was complaining about how badly I screwed it up and Rachael laughed at me, "Bel! Tsk. Aye she's always like that lah!" Aye, am I? Oh wells, it's over anyway. No point whining about it. Even though I want to so bad.

To everyone reading this, come and buy IJ Fiesta tickets from me! IJ Fiesta's on May 16th, 10am to 5pm. (: 10 bucks per ticket sheet. Be generous! It's for a good cause- raising funds for the IJ homes as wells as our Indoor Sports Hall.

It was Kaka's birthday two days ago. April 22nd. Apparently his son's due around the end of May. Seems like just yesterday he scored the first and only goal for Brazil against Croatia during the World Cup '06. And ahem, speaking of birthdays, my birthday's week after next. And guess what I'm going to be doing on that special day? Sitting for the effing science paper and studying for lit. How exciting.

Life in slow motion.

Sunday, 20 April 2008 | 00:12
Friday was pretty eventful, I have to say. First of all, d&t! Of all things. Imis (our trainer) or whatever his name is, is a really nice guy. He's super funny. He says everything with a straight face and that just cracks me up. Hahah! Anyway, over the past few weeks we've been doing this project on interior design, and we have to make this cardboard model of "your dream space". Our theme was 'retro', which is perhaps the most fun one out of them all seeing as the rest were kinda bleaah-ish- Gwen and Nut's group did 'minimalist' and Gill's group did 'contemporary'. So we presented our finished project on Friday, and were judged and graded by Imis. He said all three groups were great and it was hard to choose a winner and all, but guess what? We actually won- two free GV movie passes! I never would've thought it possible. I thought we were going to score the lowest marks or something. Looks like we're better than I thought we were. Honestly, I was quite to put it bluntly, bummed to work with my group members, because I always thought they were somewhat anti-social, un-enthusiastic, pessimistic, and just no fun. but I've come to realise that they're actually pretty nice people. Although one or two of them manage to get on my nerves sometimes, they can be really nice. (:

I wanna write about the somewhat exciting incident that happened after school on Friday, but it's probably not appropriate since people from school actually read this blog thing. Aye. But you can ask me about it! (: I would be glad to tell you.

Headed to town with Sam after school to buy Gabriel's present. We are the best cousins ever- we bought him a Topman shirt and roses. How awesome. The party that night was pretty good. Some people left early though, so it was kinda placid after that. But I sat outside with Gabriel, Alph, and some of the older people, and just listened to them talk. Talked to Gabriel a bit. OH AND HE WORE THE SAME ARMY TEE AS ME. Well, he wore the sleeveless, I wore the shirt, but still, what a coincidence. And we started the "no, you copied me!" thing again. Army shirt, star studs, Havaianas, I was first! But of course, he insists otherwise. Whatever, man.

Alph was talking to me a bit too. And he wore HSBC shorts! I was quite amused and I laughed at him and he went, "I used to play badminton for them lahh." Hoho! I was just playing with my phone idly while they were talking and drinking, then he came to sit next to me and asked me, "You're sec what this year?" I made the peace sign and he said, "Ohh. Sec 2 ah? Hmmm....(pauses for awhile) in sec 2 I didn't like girls yet." (rolls eyes and makes funny face) I laugh and he tells me that in sec 3, however, he "somehow" managed to get his first girlfriend, and then he continued talking about how it finally became Nat. (: I laughed quite a bit when he told me how the "nun" he liked really became a nun. HAHAH. Alph is cool.

So, cat class today. Class turned out to be one of the best ones so far, if not the best. I laughed so hard! Almost as much as the roti prata day. The three of them shared their life stories with us. It was highly entertaining. The funniest part was when Jerome talked about how he got his "first love". I shall not be mean and put it up publicly, but you can ask me about that too. I laughed like crazy at that! I think I laughed for almost 2 minutes. Hahah. At one point Aaron was talking about how he didn't take a maths and instead took "d&t, which is a waste of time". I was like, "yes", and they hurhur-ed. -.- The only thing I like about it is when we won the tickets. (:

Andd, Jerome said that his school was "unisex'. AHAHAHAH. It's called co-ed! Or as Joachim said, " a mixed school". And he claims english is his best subject. Hoho! Woah it's been a funny day. I love funny days.

Sing for the moment, sing for the year,
sing for the laughter, sing for the tears.

Saturday, 12 April 2008 | 00:09
If you were the wood, I'd be the fire.
If you were the love, I'd be the desire.
If you were a castle, I'd be your moat,
And if you were an ocean, I'd learn to float.

I love Gill, Marie and Nut truckloads. (: We did our ep project today and I laughed so much in the process of it. Annette's funny. We had a late lunch at some random prata shop near Marie's house. It took me like 45 minutes to finish my food because I was laughing 3/4 of the time. Laughed till I got a stomach ache.
I love laughing. I wanna die laughing. Although that sounds pretty freaky. I'll be laughing laughing laughing then suddenly I drop dead. :/ Touch wood/Marie's head!

Attended mass on Tuesday and some people were so surprised. Like they think I'm an unholy piece of crap or something. Aye. I'm not!
Rebecca kept giggling during mass and I was like, "what is wrong with you?!" Geez. She's weird, that one. (: I attended again on Thursday and somebody annoyed the beep out of me. Like please stop being so extra. Sheesh, know your role (and shut your mouth).

Michael Johns is out. OUT of American Idol. ): Whyy? He was so awesome. The Aerosmith song was good. I really really really hope my David wins now. Sorry Arielene, not David Cook, the obnoxious one. David Archuleta!

Sam and I have agreed that Becks should not talk. He should just stand around and look pretty because once he opens his mouth, that weird high 'Micky mouse" voice comes out and he is totally not gorgeous anymore. (:

And when I feel that love is dead, I'm loving angels instead.

Monday, 7 April 2008 | 19:50
Now let me show you the shape of my heart.

You make me happy. And you make me laugh. (:
I like you.

I think you're beautiful.

It's too bad we're worlds apart.

Sunday, 6 April 2008 | 00:35
You say it best,
when you say nothing at all.

Was supposed to run 2.4km today, but I felt too sick. I was coughing and coughing and coughing. My throat burned. I need a new throat.

Gloria and Nut had their birthday lunch thing at NYDC today. I always assumed NYDC stood for New York Dog Cafe cause like they have that white dog as a mascot. It's on the menu and all, but today, just to make sure, we asked the waiter what it stood for. "New York Dessert Cafe." Whoops. So yeah, to all the people I told what NYDC stands for, you know better now. Especially Eugenia. Sorry, mate!

Headed for cat class after the free heavy brunch. (: I was early and I didn't know if I should wait for Ms Jasmine Lee(who is very lucky to have me as a friend because every freaking week I wait for her lazy ass before class) because she wasn't answering my calls! And I knew she couldn't call me back because she doesn't know I'm using Eugenia's phone. Ah and for the clueless, my phone got confiscated. ): Boo. Anyway, I decided to be a loyal trusting friend and waited for Jasmine from 1.35 to 1.55. 20 minutes! Sigh, the things I do for my friends. Hoho!
We watched a movie about racism in Africa in class. Who knew black people hated other black people because they're a different shade? It was quite interesting. Kinda scary too. Sudden loud sounds. :/ But quite an eye opener as well.

Ohemgee I saw somebody's green checkered boxers today! Why do you guys like to expose your undies to the world? Geez. But they're nice. Not something I would wear, but nice.

I just came home from the family dinner at some hotel like an hour ago. It was fun. Ahahah, Gabriel is funny.

G: "The wafer is melting!
A: "It's a WAFFLE lah, and it's the ice cream that's melting. Not the waffle."
G: "It's a wafer!"
A: "Waffle!"
G: "Tsk. (Tries to be all logical and tries to sound smart.) How do you pronouce p-u-f-f ?"
A: "Uh, puff."
G: "....(in a 'you're so stupid' tone.) Then how do you spell poof?!"
A: "P-O-O-F!"
G: "P-u-f-f lah!"
A: "So it's Powerpoof girls ah? Curry poof ah?"
G: "Aiya, Japanese pronunciation!"
A: "You think you're Japanese?"
G: "Yeah duh. Saw-say-gee poof!"
A: "What's that?!!"
G: "Sausage puff lah. Japanese way."

Ohemgeee, that was super retarded. Very entertaining. (: Gabriel thinks I'm "ki" a.k.a crazy because I was sitting next to him and I could smell his strong cologne, and I said, "You're using cologne. Ralph Lauren right?" And he gave me a long weird look. "I swear, you're freaky!"
I laugh and after a while I say, "It's the Polo Sport one right?" He gives me an even weirder look. "Ki ah you!"
"What's ki?" I ask. "Crazy lah!"
He just can't face the fact that I'm always right. Hahah! He has carpet grass hair. But don't worry Gabriel, since you gave me your awesome star River Island ear studs I think you're very very nice. (:

Took some pictures with Sam, Amanda, Elaine, sis, Denz, etc etc after dinner. The pool there is really cool. It's like totally transparent. Glass walls! It's like when you go to one of those dolphon shows at Sea World or whatever. Prettaye awesome.

Edward, you were very anti-social today. Stop playing with your PSP and gossip with us! Hahah.

Alph's playing with the Rubik's cube at Edward's table and I go over. "Edward! You know ___ stole ___'s boyfriend!"

He says, "Yeah I know. ___ right?"

"Omg. You know? WOW. You're like a gossip girl! Come to my table later and we can gossip, okay?!"

Alph stops fiddling with the cube and says to Nat slowly, "Areee you hearing what I'm hearinggg?"

HAHAHAH that was quite hilarious. Funny people make me happy. (:

Happy birthday Gloria!
A few hours late though. Okay just pretend it's still April 5th. (: Love you, my NY lovin' friend!
