But you might laugh, joke or run away
Coz I'm awkward and nervous
Sometimes I don't say much at all
But if the rain must fall
If I lose it all
If the world comes down and takes any soul
If the sky turns black
And there's no no way back
It won't matter much to me
If I had you
All I need is your love
That's all I need
All I need is your love
Today was another funnaye day.
But the funniest thing that happened, happened to the butt of all our jokes, Mopfreak.
It just rained and we were going to hail a cab, so we were just walking down the wet stairs that leads to the road. Eugenia and I were being really careful, trying not to, y'know, slip.
We were gripping the railings and all, even though they were like wet and gross.
Then all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Marie slip, and the next thing I knew she was on her ass and slided/bounced down 4 more steps! So I watched her.
Her arms were in the air and her legs were apart as she was falling and her mop-hair was bopping up and down as she bounced down each step. Her expression was pretty blur and normal until she fell down the last of the 4 steps, when she scrunched up her face, according to Gill. She was probably anticipating the last step. ;)
At the last step she just sat there. And waited. Hurhur. Probably wallowing in self-pity.
Gill, Eugenia and I, however, were holding back our laughter. But we laughed like mad after that. We stared at her for about She was just sitting there, and because she was carrying about 10 books, when she fell, everything fell everywhere.
I was the first one to go, "OMG."
And the last one to help her. Hahah.
Oh wow that was like the funniest shit ever.
But wait, there's more.
After she got off her ass and stopped whining about how her elbow hurt, she announced while we were still laughing hysterically, "I knew I was going to slip, fall and die!"
Then, lo and behold, she really slipped on the last step of the flight of stairs.
She also tripped when we were coming out of the toilet. I knew she was going to trip because she was like looking backwards and walking. I was watching her feet. And she finally tripped! Muahahah.
Teachers' day tomorrow.
Went shopping for gifts, and I bought Kabul Beauty School! It's not the hard cover one and it's cheaper. Cool, eh? Ms Tay bought her hard cover one for like $43. And my non hard cover one has pictures in it! And it's like $31.
I think Kaka cut his hair.
Rachael and Marie are forcing me to watch Incredible Tales. I have a friggin weak heart luh!
But I'm only watching cause of the ever so hot Utt!!
Watching Hairspray tomorrow! :)
Oh well dreams can come true if you know inside you really want them to
you can sit you can wait
You can leave your fate in someone else's hands
Oh but I, I want you
And nothing else can make me feel the way you do
So I'm waiting, I'm wishing
That it's me you'll be holding tonight and every night
Saturday, 25 August 2007 | 19:13
Tell me, did you fall from a shooting star?
Break from studying.
Finished History. Will continue with Science soon.
Will do a bit of Geog tomorrow and will revise Chinese and Lit as well.
OMFG Lit's on Monday! So scary! I fell like crying now.
Catechism today.
Stephanie is nice and funny.
I thought that Teacher was really upset with the class cause, well, they weren't listening to him.
As usual. But he didn't do the usual 'keep-quiet-then-wait-for-them-to-shut-up' routine.
Instead, he just...er....I don't know.
But he was trying to get us to do a reflection. And the guys were like running around, playing, eating and shit.
I was reflecting, okay!
Jasmine was messaging and occasionally she'd ask me what were on the slides cause she can't see without her glasses.
I felt quite sorry for him. He looked all sad and stuff. I wonder if I shouldve done something. Maybe I should have. But it's over now.
Before that, however, he was happier. He asked if we were all like really tired. There was probably a really un-enthu vibe.
We did this activity thing and we had to make sentences sound nicer.
Like for example, how to say, "You never tell me anything." in a nicer way.
The nicer way would be, "You can tell me anything. You can trust me you know?"
That sorta thing. We had to do it in groups and then present. So Jasmine and I decided that we'd do it, and then get the rest to present. Muahahahahah.
While discussing, Joachim came over. Jasmine bent our heads and looked at each other. We probably looked like we were still discussing it or something. Joachim stood in front of us for a while, then he said kinda warily, "I don;t mean to interrupt your private/personal discussion, but how is it going?"
I wanted to laugh. I think I did.
Oh and when we had to present, they had to say the wrong answer first, then the right one.
Joachim called,"Annabel's group?"
So the presenter went "You make me mad when you do that." then, "You should not do that....."
Joachim said, "And?"
Presenter didn't have anything more to say and kept quiet.
I laughed.
Joachim: "And Annabel didn't write an answer. Okay...., next one?"
I wanted to go whaat?!, but I was laughing.
Hahah. I don't really feel bad for the girl.
Instead I feel bad for anyone that makes Cesc mad.
Tell me celery. You know you can trust me...
Who? *******?? That C*****a idiot?!
I'm gonna pound him!
Finished History. Will continue with Science soon.
Will do a bit of Geog tomorrow and will revise Chinese and Lit as well.
OMFG Lit's on Monday! So scary! I fell like crying now.
Catechism today.
Stephanie is nice and funny.
I thought that Teacher was really upset with the class cause, well, they weren't listening to him.
As usual. But he didn't do the usual 'keep-quiet-then-wait-for-them-to-shut-up' routine.
Instead, he just...er....I don't know.
But he was trying to get us to do a reflection. And the guys were like running around, playing, eating and shit.
I was reflecting, okay!
Jasmine was messaging and occasionally she'd ask me what were on the slides cause she can't see without her glasses.
I felt quite sorry for him. He looked all sad and stuff. I wonder if I shouldve done something. Maybe I should have. But it's over now.
Before that, however, he was happier. He asked if we were all like really tired. There was probably a really un-enthu vibe.
We did this activity thing and we had to make sentences sound nicer.
Like for example, how to say, "You never tell me anything." in a nicer way.
The nicer way would be, "You can tell me anything. You can trust me you know?"
That sorta thing. We had to do it in groups and then present. So Jasmine and I decided that we'd do it, and then get the rest to present. Muahahahahah.
While discussing, Joachim came over. Jasmine bent our heads and looked at each other. We probably looked like we were still discussing it or something. Joachim stood in front of us for a while, then he said kinda warily, "I don;t mean to interrupt your private/personal discussion, but how is it going?"
I wanted to laugh. I think I did.
Oh and when we had to present, they had to say the wrong answer first, then the right one.
Joachim called,"Annabel's group?"
So the presenter went "You make me mad when you do that." then, "You should not do that....."
Joachim said, "And?"
Presenter didn't have anything more to say and kept quiet.
I laughed.
Joachim: "And Annabel didn't write an answer. Okay...., next one?"
I wanted to go whaat?!, but I was laughing.
Hahah. I don't really feel bad for the girl.
Instead I feel bad for anyone that makes Cesc mad.

Who? *******?? That C*****a idiot?!
I'm gonna pound him!
Thursday, 23 August 2007 | 21:27
Heaven knows I'm falling for you, my sweet embrace, Heaven knows I've been waiting for you.
Don't know what you do to me but
Everytime I'm with you its a natural high
its like re-discovering Eden
with chocolate-coated rainbows and cotton candy skies
And everytime you look my way I wish I had the guts to say
There's something in your eyes
Something in your smile
Something in the way you move me
You make me want to sing
Make me want to dance
Make me want to cry
I'm falling in love with you.
Wow. It's already Thursday. I'm super worried for exams next week. Eek.
I scored 8 marks for my Home Ec practical! Woohoo! Gill too! We rock!
Starbucks on Tuesday was hilarious.
Nuttaye had a voucher for a free drink so...
Nuttaye, me, and the rest of the gang bluffed 'Eugenia the blur' that it was "free day" that day.
And she was a little pissed that we didn't tell her earlier cause she already bought her potato salad which "sucked."
So I told her, "You can go and get it now. Why don't you?"
Nuttaye and all were like, "Yeah. Go."
Eugenia says okay and she gets up and walks toward the counter. I volunteer to follow her, bring my phone along and get ready to take a video.
I hold my phone in front of her.
First she squints at the menu cause she couldn't see without her glasses.
She thought I was taking a picture of her and got angry. Hahah.
She finally decides on some chocolate thing and ordered it.
Then she says to the girl at the counter, "It's Free Day today, right?"
Counter girl says, "Huh?"
Another counter girl come to see what's going on.
I'm trying to contain my laughter.
Eugenia asks the both of them, "It's Free Day today, right?"
Two Counter girls say, "What?"
Eugenia asks again, "It's Free Day today, right?"
Counter girls have really weird 'what-in-the-world-is-this-crazy-girl-talking-about' looks.
Counter girls say, "Noooo........"
Eugenia says, "Oh okay."
I'm laughing like crazy.
Eugenia looks at me and says, "Did you lie?!!"
I laugh and run away.
Yeah I guess that was kinda mean. But it was uber funnaye. Heheheh.
I found out something really cool today. :)
The Daily Star claims that '£40million Kaka drops Arsenal hint'.
Apparently the Brazilian, regarded by many smart and wonderful people as the best player on the planet right now, is a big fan of the Gunners and has been quoted as saying: “I’d only ever join Arsenal in England. I love the way Arsenal play football. If I were to come to England I would like to play for Arsenal and Arsene Wenger because of their style of football.”
If that happens it'll be the very best day of my life.
I realise that almost every single one of my friends or people I know have said to me, "You're so/damn mean/bad!" before.
Why is that?
Am I really such a terrible person?
My sister always complains that I'm mean but in her case, it's just normal.
But like, I don't get it. What did I do wrong, eh? Even Rachael thinks I'm "mean". Like she isn't herself.
And Marie the self-proclaimed Mean Girl has called me that many times too.
I only don't remember Gloria and Gwen calling me mean/bad. Maybe Jasmine too.
The rest I can't recall.
OMFG History test tomorrow! Better go study!
ARGH I didn't do art again!!!
As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I'm doing all I can
To be a better man
(or woman) :]
Sunday, 19 August 2007 | 13:11
Rude Awakening
I think I should study harder starting today.
I saw Shitface during mass just now.
I never knew he was in the choir!!!! :O
I saw him while waiting to receive communion- again.
As I was leaving I saw him again. Exchanged smiles. I realise he always has the same smile. Somehow seeing him in church always puts a smile on my face. But I don't like him lah!
Hahah. He already belongs to you-know-who. Or rather, nobody-except-3-of-US-know-who.
Okay gonna go study like I promised myself!
I saw Shitface during mass just now.
I never knew he was in the choir!!!! :O
I saw him while waiting to receive communion- again.
As I was leaving I saw him again. Exchanged smiles. I realise he always has the same smile. Somehow seeing him in church always puts a smile on my face. But I don't like him lah!
Hahah. He already belongs to you-know-who. Or rather, nobody-except-3-of-US-know-who.
Okay gonna go study like I promised myself!
Saturday, 18 August 2007 | 22:51
Shalom, my good friends.
What have I got to do to make you love me
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when lightning strikes me
And I wake to find that you're not there
Oh no, oh no. Ms Bev's leaving for NY tomorrow. Mr.Chew left yesterday. And I forgot! I was all hyped up about Henry's birthday. :/
And some stupid people told me Sam Young's birthday is on August 15th, when I always thought it was 11. Then when 15th came, some people told me that her birthday's on the 11th. Grr.
Cat class was funny today.
We combined classes. Hahah. Rachael is loud. Like nobody knew that.
Joachim wore a funny Malay shirt thing today. Or is it Indian? I'm not sure. So cute.
At first when I saw him I thought he was wearing a dress. Then when I went closer I saw that it was a long shirt...
I didn't mean to be so direct, but I looked at him and said, "What are you wearing?"
And he said something about feeling like it's Racial Harmony or something.
But I think that the shirt's nice. :)
Today's lesson was about listening. Easy, but Rachael and Jasmine made it difficult. Especially Rachael. I think Jasmine likes Shitface. Shh. We made a deal among the 3 of us to not talk about each other's 'whatchacallthem's. :) Rachael's the only one with 3! Hahah. She walked into class today and some guy, I think Moses, went, "Wah, Terror come already."
I laughed. I think he likes her. ;)
We did a Friendship dance in class today. It was easy.
We had to form two circles. One inside of the other. The inside circle moves to the right so we change partners.
There was a song that went along with the dance that goes like this,
"Shalom, my good friend, Shalom, my good friend. Shalom, Shalom. God's peace be with you, God's peace be with you. Shalom, Shalom."
Easy as pie! By the way, for the clueless, Shalom means peace.
Cept I had to hold hands with sweaty palmed boy 3 times! Eek!
I didn't do the dance with any more guys other than him. Hahah. Only Joachim. And the girls.
Joachim was being funny and before we did the Shalom my good friend he looked at me and said, "My blood vessel's gonna burst already."
I'm not stupid, but I didn't really get it at first.
But whatever, man! If blood vessels could burst that easily I would've lost all of 'em by now. Kaka', Cesc, Zizou, Henry, Theo and all those hotties would be the culprits!
Oh right Dear teacher is going to the army soon and I asked him if I can have his Zidane jersey if he dies. Kinda mean, eh? :(
He said something like, " Woah. I know I curse you to die before lah, but that was accidental. Hahah. Sorry, If I die, I'll die in the jersey. :)"
:( So that's bad news for me. I was like, Oh dang!
That's about it for today.
I told Ms Bev to get hooked with a hot New Yorker in NY. And make the Singaporean guy jealous.
She said that I'm crazy.
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when lightning strikes me
And I wake to find that you're not there
Oh no, oh no. Ms Bev's leaving for NY tomorrow. Mr.Chew left yesterday. And I forgot! I was all hyped up about Henry's birthday. :/
And some stupid people told me Sam Young's birthday is on August 15th, when I always thought it was 11. Then when 15th came, some people told me that her birthday's on the 11th. Grr.
Cat class was funny today.
We combined classes. Hahah. Rachael is loud. Like nobody knew that.
Joachim wore a funny Malay shirt thing today. Or is it Indian? I'm not sure. So cute.
At first when I saw him I thought he was wearing a dress. Then when I went closer I saw that it was a long shirt...
I didn't mean to be so direct, but I looked at him and said, "What are you wearing?"
And he said something about feeling like it's Racial Harmony or something.
But I think that the shirt's nice. :)
Today's lesson was about listening. Easy, but Rachael and Jasmine made it difficult. Especially Rachael. I think Jasmine likes Shitface. Shh. We made a deal among the 3 of us to not talk about each other's 'whatchacallthem's. :) Rachael's the only one with 3! Hahah. She walked into class today and some guy, I think Moses, went, "Wah, Terror come already."
I laughed. I think he likes her. ;)
We did a Friendship dance in class today. It was easy.
We had to form two circles. One inside of the other. The inside circle moves to the right so we change partners.
There was a song that went along with the dance that goes like this,
"Shalom, my good friend, Shalom, my good friend. Shalom, Shalom. God's peace be with you, God's peace be with you. Shalom, Shalom."
Easy as pie! By the way, for the clueless, Shalom means peace.
Cept I had to hold hands with sweaty palmed boy 3 times! Eek!
I didn't do the dance with any more guys other than him. Hahah. Only Joachim. And the girls.
Joachim was being funny and before we did the Shalom my good friend he looked at me and said, "My blood vessel's gonna burst already."
I'm not stupid, but I didn't really get it at first.
But whatever, man! If blood vessels could burst that easily I would've lost all of 'em by now. Kaka', Cesc, Zizou, Henry, Theo and all those hotties would be the culprits!
Oh right Dear teacher is going to the army soon and I asked him if I can have his Zidane jersey if he dies. Kinda mean, eh? :(
He said something like, " Woah. I know I curse you to die before lah, but that was accidental. Hahah. Sorry, If I die, I'll die in the jersey. :)"
:( So that's bad news for me. I was like, Oh dang!
That's about it for today.
I told Ms Bev to get hooked with a hot New Yorker in NY. And make the Singaporean guy jealous.
She said that I'm crazy.
Friday, 17 August 2007 | 20:19
That's Happy Birthday Thierry Henry in french. I think. I don't actually speak the beautiful language. :(
But Happy 30th Birthday Mr. Thierry Daniel Gorgeous Henry! He's born on August 17th 1977.
This is a picture of him talking. It's a bit weird. :/

We went for lunch then Starbucks today.
Whoo. Fridays with no training ROCK THE SHIT OUTTA ME!
Oh right. Becks scored for LA Galaxy yesterday. I like him and all, but like, it's about time!
2-0 win against DC! Muahahahaha. He also set up the 2nd goal. GO BECKS!
I love Romeo Beckham. SO cute. :)
BUT I love Theo Zidane MOREMOREMORE!

That's Happy Birthday Thierry Henry in french. I think. I don't actually speak the beautiful language. :(
But Happy 30th Birthday Mr. Thierry Daniel Gorgeous Henry! He's born on August 17th 1977.
This is a picture of him talking. It's a bit weird. :/

We went for lunch then Starbucks today.
Whoo. Fridays with no training ROCK THE SHIT OUTTA ME!
Oh right. Becks scored for LA Galaxy yesterday. I like him and all, but like, it's about time!
2-0 win against DC! Muahahahaha. He also set up the 2nd goal. GO BECKS!
I love Romeo Beckham. SO cute. :)
BUT I love Theo Zidane MOREMOREMORE!

Only you have that magic technique,
when you sway I go weak.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007 | 16:42
Everybody put up your hands, say, "I don't wanna be in love, I don't wanna be in love."
These are the pictures Nuttaye and I took of Julia Chow's disgusting mouldy sandwich. :/
You have been warned.

Woah, not only is van Persie so ultra hot, he scored a goal and lifted Theo off the ground!
Look who we have here.....Zidane! And Shoemarker!(Shumacher) :)
Two pictures of Two gorgeous men.
Check out Kaka's eyelashes!
Desperado(in white), why won't you come to your senses?
How exciting ;) <3>
Everyone's so happy to see Kaka'! 'Cept for that bitchy security guard....Act tough.
You have been warned.
Revolting, I know.
Let's look at some eye canday instead!
Drum roll please....

Promenade tomorrow. Can't wait to see Mervelle and Qistina perform. Muahahahah.
This is 3 days late, but Miami Ink on Sunday was hilarious! Garver helped Yoji paint Sydney's roon and as a joke, he painted a small-ish pic of Darren's head. Hahahah. Bridget thought it was "cute".
There was one woman who went to Ami to get a cover-up tattoo to cover-up this hideous cheshire cat on her lower calf. She covered it up with one of Ami's beautiful coyfish. She said that she bet Ami wasn't in a relationship. Then Ami said he was, in fact, in a relationship....
with himself. A very good one, he said. He also said,"I take myself to that special place everyday." with that smile on his face.
The woman was like, "Okay, that's T.M.I."
Ami replied, "A-M-I, actually.
And when that woman left, Ami said, still with that Ami smile on his face, "I can't wait not to see you again." with enthusiasm. Oh Ami, you're so funny.
He even did that uppercut-like movement that Dear Teacher always used to do. I don't think he does it anymore. Now he rubs his stomach while he talks. It's quite funny. Maybe I should ask him about it. Tabitha says that tall poeple do it alot to straighten their clothes. But, er, he's not very tall.
I was so relieved when Arsenal beat Fulham on Saturday. Fulham scored really early. But van Persie scored! What could be better than that?! Actually, Cesc scoring would be better. But, oh well! :D I'm happy!
We started off badly. I HATE the Fulham keeper. And besides myself and Sam, does anyone else detest the Football Channel commentators?! Like, seriously. Be more positive, guys! Urgh.
Anyway, the Comeback Kings striked again! And again! And ended up winning 2-1! Which is a veryveryvery good thing. Like Arsene Wenger said,
"To lose that game on Sunday would certainly have been a big blow to the team because everybody would be talking about Thierry Henry's departure. A defeat would have hit our confidence."
I so agree. But we proved them wrong! Woohoo! I think now, in a way, Arsenal play better than last time after Henry left. Like because the big star is gone, everybody steps out from under his shadow? A little something like that. I'm not saying I'm sure about this, but it is a little true. They have been playing quite well. It's only the 1st League game but what the hell. :)
Eduardo is cute.
"I was not stressed on Sunday because I felt that the players would give everything to win. And as long as you have that in the team, and you have quality on the pitch, you always have hope."
-Arsene Wenger
Monday, 13 August 2007 | 20:54
I don't believe that anybody, feels the way I do, about you now.
We had to do the cha-cha thing for PE again today. Wei Jia, Gwen and I got called to the front because we weren't doing it right or something.
The bloody instructor is so friggin annoying. GAH. She kept telling Gwen not to place her heel on the floor, "Your HEEL. You know what's your heel?!" Gwen, I guess, got irritated and she went, "What!" and the way she said it was so damn hilarious I was this close to bursting out lauging.
I still hate the mofo instructor.
Today after the oily-faced-Marie-hairstyle woman left the classroom, Gwen decided to show us her 7 day old muffin that was left under her table. It had all that gross fuzzy fungi all over it. However, her muffin wasn't the worst case.
Somebody remembered that Julia Chow left her sandwich under her table for damn long and took the lunchbox out. Then I forgot who opened the lunchbox and it was so uber gross inside!!! Some of us were screaming beacause it looked so disgusting. Like, seriously. The sandwich was green, black and fuzzy! Most interesting of all, there was like alot of white cotton-like stuff on one side of it. Chloe was holding the open lunchbox and some weirdo knocked it out of her hand. The sandwich fell onto the floor and almost everybody started screaming. Nuttaye and I both took pictures. ;D
I shall put them up next time since I'M BEING RUSHED OFF THE COMPUTER.
Gill asked Julia what the filling of the sandwich was but she couldn't remember because it was three weeks old. Bleh!...
The bloody instructor is so friggin annoying. GAH. She kept telling Gwen not to place her heel on the floor, "Your HEEL. You know what's your heel?!" Gwen, I guess, got irritated and she went, "What!" and the way she said it was so damn hilarious I was this close to bursting out lauging.
I still hate the mofo instructor.
Today after the oily-faced-Marie-hairstyle woman left the classroom, Gwen decided to show us her 7 day old muffin that was left under her table. It had all that gross fuzzy fungi all over it. However, her muffin wasn't the worst case.
Somebody remembered that Julia Chow left her sandwich under her table for damn long and took the lunchbox out. Then I forgot who opened the lunchbox and it was so uber gross inside!!! Some of us were screaming beacause it looked so disgusting. Like, seriously. The sandwich was green, black and fuzzy! Most interesting of all, there was like alot of white cotton-like stuff on one side of it. Chloe was holding the open lunchbox and some weirdo knocked it out of her hand. The sandwich fell onto the floor and almost everybody started screaming. Nuttaye and I both took pictures. ;D
I shall put them up next time since I'M BEING RUSHED OFF THE COMPUTER.
Gill asked Julia what the filling of the sandwich was but she couldn't remember because it was three weeks old. Bleh!
Thursday, 9 August 2007 | 23:36
Suck too hard on your lollipop, oh, love's gonna get you down.
I'm watching The Simpsons tomorrow! Woohoo! Finally.
We had lunch with Ms Bev at NYDC Heeren yesterday. It was fun, I guess. She said she felt like a "babysitter" with a bunch of 13 year olds. I feel so young.
We went to chill at Starbucks after lunch and I saw my cousin! Again! Figures, cause well, he works next door. The only thing seperating Starbucks and his office is a a lousy glass wall.
So I waved to him. And he waved back. He asked if we wanted drinks. I said no. Then Rachael, Gill, Gwen, Eugenia and shit were like, "I want a mango-passionfruit frapp!" "I want a java chip frapp!" I want this I want that. And they wanted me to get my cousin's attention because they wanted free drinks.
At that point in time my cuz was talking to his colleague with his back facing us but we were in clear view of his colleague. So my stupid friends with hyperactive joints waved their hyperactive arms at the colleague. Rachael was almost out of her seat. And so the colleague smiled and waved. We were all laughing because my they were trying to get my cuz's attention, not his.
Anyway, my cousin noticed and asked again if I wanted drinks and my friends were like, "Say YESSS!" So I said okay. He bought 2 mango-passionfruit frapps and 3 java chip frapps and a choc eclair. I felt so bad. I offered to pay but he said it's okay and that he has discount there. SO, yeah.
I found out that he has 50% off. Cool.
Today I saw some pics of PeanutButter and I realise that sometimes I find him really cute, and sometimes not so. And Mervelle said that he has a kinda xD face. I so totally agree! It's really cute. I realised Jam is ugly. Which left me with the question; What the hell was I thinking?
I am sick. I have a cold and a sore throat. Sucks to be me.
I realise that some guys are getting gayer and gayer. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. But let's take PeanutButter for my first example. He likes manga and anime and all that crap. I hate anime. Okay maybe that's not an entirely gay thing. But I detest it anyhow. Er, okay, my unspecified cousin. His mobile's wallpaper is a squirrel, and his display picture on MSN is a bloody baby penguin. I love my cousin though. By the way, he's more than 10 years older than I am.
Okay, how about Marie's well-publicised love interest? I will not mention names here. He has countless pictures of kittens in cups and puppies in hotdog buns on his Friendster profile.
And the worst one of all, my cousin who's 15 this year. He sings Polly Pocket theme songs while visiting the Polly Pocket website. Again, no names.
Need I say more?
I wanna drink Boost tomorrow. Yum.
Yesterday while Gwen, Gloria and Eugenia went into Mango, Gill and I sat at Maccas drinking iced lemon tea and eating passionfruit Gelatissimo. Then this woman, whom Gill thought and still thinks is a man, wearing a tight white tee with no bra sits at the tables next to us. 5 minutes later she's feeding the pigeons and Gill and I have our feet up on the chairs.
Like, EW.
Then the two Indian guys sitting behind us get inspiration from her and start to feed them too and I am entirely grossed out. The bloody birds are everywhere.
I try to give the woman one of those dagger-eyed looks but she just smiles at me.
We had lunch with Ms Bev at NYDC Heeren yesterday. It was fun, I guess. She said she felt like a "babysitter" with a bunch of 13 year olds. I feel so young.
We went to chill at Starbucks after lunch and I saw my cousin! Again! Figures, cause well, he works next door. The only thing seperating Starbucks and his office is a a lousy glass wall.
So I waved to him. And he waved back. He asked if we wanted drinks. I said no. Then Rachael, Gill, Gwen, Eugenia and shit were like, "I want a mango-passionfruit frapp!" "I want a java chip frapp!" I want this I want that. And they wanted me to get my cousin's attention because they wanted free drinks.
At that point in time my cuz was talking to his colleague with his back facing us but we were in clear view of his colleague. So my stupid friends with hyperactive joints waved their hyperactive arms at the colleague. Rachael was almost out of her seat. And so the colleague smiled and waved. We were all laughing because my they were trying to get my cuz's attention, not his.
Anyway, my cousin noticed and asked again if I wanted drinks and my friends were like, "Say YESSS!" So I said okay. He bought 2 mango-passionfruit frapps and 3 java chip frapps and a choc eclair. I felt so bad. I offered to pay but he said it's okay and that he has discount there. SO, yeah.
I found out that he has 50% off. Cool.
Today I saw some pics of PeanutButter and I realise that sometimes I find him really cute, and sometimes not so. And Mervelle said that he has a kinda xD face. I so totally agree! It's really cute. I realised Jam is ugly. Which left me with the question; What the hell was I thinking?
I am sick. I have a cold and a sore throat. Sucks to be me.
I realise that some guys are getting gayer and gayer. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. But let's take PeanutButter for my first example. He likes manga and anime and all that crap. I hate anime. Okay maybe that's not an entirely gay thing. But I detest it anyhow. Er, okay, my unspecified cousin. His mobile's wallpaper is a squirrel, and his display picture on MSN is a bloody baby penguin. I love my cousin though. By the way, he's more than 10 years older than I am.
Okay, how about Marie's well-publicised love interest? I will not mention names here. He has countless pictures of kittens in cups and puppies in hotdog buns on his Friendster profile.
And the worst one of all, my cousin who's 15 this year. He sings Polly Pocket theme songs while visiting the Polly Pocket website. Again, no names.
Need I say more?
I wanna drink Boost tomorrow. Yum.
Yesterday while Gwen, Gloria and Eugenia went into Mango, Gill and I sat at Maccas drinking iced lemon tea and eating passionfruit Gelatissimo. Then this woman, whom Gill thought and still thinks is a man, wearing a tight white tee with no bra sits at the tables next to us. 5 minutes later she's feeding the pigeons and Gill and I have our feet up on the chairs.
Like, EW.
Then the two Indian guys sitting behind us get inspiration from her and start to feed them too and I am entirely grossed out. The bloody birds are everywhere.
I try to give the woman one of those dagger-eyed looks but she just smiles at me.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007 | 19:12
Funny shit
Whoo today was just hilarious.
First off, during RME, we had to watch that video in the AVA room again. We were kinda late and we were moving our chairs around so we could like sit together. It was dark and one of us, er I forgot who, moved the chair Mervelle was going to sit in but Mervelle didn't know! She didn't even look to see if there was a chair behind her when she sat down. So in true slow motion, Mervelle was in the dark, carrying her science books and she was in that sitting position slowly bending her knees more and more to sit down, then PLONK! she fell on the floor.
It was so friggin funny cause she did it really slowly and before we knew it, she was on her ass and we were all trying to contain our laughter cause there were 2 teachers in the room with a few other classes in the otherwise totally quiet room. I am laughing my head off as I am typing this. I laugh equally hard everytime I repeat this story. Which is about 5 times today.
Chloe was hyperventilating during RME. It was so scary.
Ms Champ didn't come for Science lesson today. :D
Some teacher took over.
She was telling the class to keep quiet and for some weird reason she was using one of those small microphones to talk to us. And it was plugged into nothing.
We were all sitting on the floor near Mervelle's tables and we were trying to contain our laughter as best as we could. It was already so damn difficult and Gill's face and my face were turning red!
Everybody was like burying their faces in their hands and laps trying not to laugh but the ever so smart Gwen just had to sit up and say, "Your microphone's not on."
Like what the hell. The poor teacher kept quiet and I tried to keep my laughter to the minimum. Gloria shot Gwen her angry 'what-were-you-thinking' look. And she gave Gwen a scolding after that. Gloria, I mean.
Funny, funny.
Gill, Eugenia and I went to Starbucks just now and while we were sharing my cookie and Gill's mango-passionfruit frapp, this RI or RJC boy came up to us and said, "Can I have your numbers?"
The 3 of us were like WTF. I thought maybe he was doing a survey or something and I was waiting for him to continue.
Eugenia went,"Huh?"
The guy said, "Like your handphone numbers. If you have."
Gill went, "Nooo."
He said, "Oh, okay. Okay."
And he walked away. We were laughing after that and discussed it for at least half and hour.
Funny shit.
Ah, finally, lunch with Ms Bev tomorrow.
And it's National Day.
Gotta go decide what to wear.
First off, during RME, we had to watch that video in the AVA room again. We were kinda late and we were moving our chairs around so we could like sit together. It was dark and one of us, er I forgot who, moved the chair Mervelle was going to sit in but Mervelle didn't know! She didn't even look to see if there was a chair behind her when she sat down. So in true slow motion, Mervelle was in the dark, carrying her science books and she was in that sitting position slowly bending her knees more and more to sit down, then PLONK! she fell on the floor.
It was so friggin funny cause she did it really slowly and before we knew it, she was on her ass and we were all trying to contain our laughter cause there were 2 teachers in the room with a few other classes in the otherwise totally quiet room. I am laughing my head off as I am typing this. I laugh equally hard everytime I repeat this story. Which is about 5 times today.
Chloe was hyperventilating during RME. It was so scary.
Ms Champ didn't come for Science lesson today. :D
Some teacher took over.
She was telling the class to keep quiet and for some weird reason she was using one of those small microphones to talk to us. And it was plugged into nothing.
We were all sitting on the floor near Mervelle's tables and we were trying to contain our laughter as best as we could. It was already so damn difficult and Gill's face and my face were turning red!
Everybody was like burying their faces in their hands and laps trying not to laugh but the ever so smart Gwen just had to sit up and say, "Your microphone's not on."
Like what the hell. The poor teacher kept quiet and I tried to keep my laughter to the minimum. Gloria shot Gwen her angry 'what-were-you-thinking' look. And she gave Gwen a scolding after that. Gloria, I mean.
Funny, funny.
Gill, Eugenia and I went to Starbucks just now and while we were sharing my cookie and Gill's mango-passionfruit frapp, this RI or RJC boy came up to us and said, "Can I have your numbers?"
The 3 of us were like WTF. I thought maybe he was doing a survey or something and I was waiting for him to continue.
Eugenia went,"Huh?"
The guy said, "Like your handphone numbers. If you have."
Gill went, "Nooo."
He said, "Oh, okay. Okay."
And he walked away. We were laughing after that and discussed it for at least half and hour.
Funny shit.
Ah, finally, lunch with Ms Bev tomorrow.
And it's National Day.
Gotta go decide what to wear.
Thursday, 2 August 2007 | 20:55
Anything you can do I can do BETTER.
I'm superior, you're inferior.
I'm the big attraction, you're the small.
I'm the major one, you're the minor one,
I can beat you shootin', that's not all.
Anything you can do, I can do better.
I can do any thing better than you.
No you can't. Yes I can.
No you can't. Yes I can.
No you can't. Yes I can, yes I can.
Mervelle bought Gill and I Ang Ku Kueh today. :D Yum.
I had math tuition with Gill at the library today. Eek.
While walking to the interchange with Mervelle, Gwen and Gill just now, Gwen asked Gill, "How come you change bags everyday?"
Gill replied, "No I don't. It's because I hate all my bags. My sisters have cool bags. And I love cool bags."
But I have to admit, Gill's Gravis bag is "pretty cool", in the words of Chris 'Garvy'. Yoji called him that once and I like it. I saw a hot guy in the train carrying a red Gravis messenger bag. It was nicer. ;)
Gill and I scored FULL MARKS for our cupcakes today! Full marks once again! Our cupcake were undeniably the prettiest looking ones among all the 50g of butter people. Everyone else's chocolate chips melted and dissolved into the cupcakes, except for ours! Gill and I are SO the ultimate pros!
Gwen and Rachel took out cupcakes form our lunchboxes from which we present our food and passed off our cupcakes as theirs and they scored 9 out of 10 each.
They went up to Gill and said, "We got 9. So you should have gotten 9 too."
Gill replied, "NO. We got TEN."
I said to Gill, "Y'know what? I think it's just us." The teacher probably likes us better even though she claims that we talk alot.
I high five Gill and Gwen says, " It's just your lunchboxes lah."
Whatever, Gwen!
My sister is dancing in front of the mirror with her pink towel.
Argh I forgot to do art! D:
I'm so deaddddd. I have no black paper!
Ohmygosh. Real Madrid are willing to pay like 90 million euros for Kaka'! The rich asses. Actually Kaka's worth much more. He's priceless.
I think we're watching The Simpsons On Wednesday of everything goes as planned. :D
I'm excited.
I like the song Keep On Movin' by the old boyband 5ive. It's very boyband-ish but I like it. Hahah. I always smile when I see the video. :)
The guy who sings the "When the rainy days are dying, Gotta keep on keep on trying, All the bees and birds are flying Never let go gotta hold on in, Non-stop till the break on dawn'in, Keep movin', Don't stop rocking." part is gorgeous. Or was gorgeous.
But the guy who sings the "aahhhhhhh" part is damn scary. His eyes are like damn blue and WOAH.
I heard the 2002 World Cup version before. I wonder if I get my hands on it. It's wonderful.
Utt is hot....
I'm the big attraction, you're the small.
I'm the major one, you're the minor one,
I can beat you shootin', that's not all.
Anything you can do, I can do better.
I can do any thing better than you.
No you can't. Yes I can.
No you can't. Yes I can.
No you can't. Yes I can, yes I can.
Mervelle bought Gill and I Ang Ku Kueh today. :D Yum.
I had math tuition with Gill at the library today. Eek.
While walking to the interchange with Mervelle, Gwen and Gill just now, Gwen asked Gill, "How come you change bags everyday?"
Gill replied, "No I don't. It's because I hate all my bags. My sisters have cool bags. And I love cool bags."
But I have to admit, Gill's Gravis bag is "pretty cool", in the words of Chris 'Garvy'. Yoji called him that once and I like it. I saw a hot guy in the train carrying a red Gravis messenger bag. It was nicer. ;)
Gill and I scored FULL MARKS for our cupcakes today! Full marks once again! Our cupcake were undeniably the prettiest looking ones among all the 50g of butter people. Everyone else's chocolate chips melted and dissolved into the cupcakes, except for ours! Gill and I are SO the ultimate pros!
Gwen and Rachel took out cupcakes form our lunchboxes from which we present our food and passed off our cupcakes as theirs and they scored 9 out of 10 each.
They went up to Gill and said, "We got 9. So you should have gotten 9 too."
Gill replied, "NO. We got TEN."
I said to Gill, "Y'know what? I think it's just us." The teacher probably likes us better even though she claims that we talk alot.
I high five Gill and Gwen says, " It's just your lunchboxes lah."
Whatever, Gwen!
My sister is dancing in front of the mirror with her pink towel.
Argh I forgot to do art! D:
I'm so deaddddd. I have no black paper!
Ohmygosh. Real Madrid are willing to pay like 90 million euros for Kaka'! The rich asses. Actually Kaka's worth much more. He's priceless.
I think we're watching The Simpsons On Wednesday of everything goes as planned. :D
I'm excited.
I like the song Keep On Movin' by the old boyband 5ive. It's very boyband-ish but I like it. Hahah. I always smile when I see the video. :)
The guy who sings the "When the rainy days are dying, Gotta keep on keep on trying, All the bees and birds are flying Never let go gotta hold on in, Non-stop till the break on dawn'in, Keep movin', Don't stop rocking." part is gorgeous. Or was gorgeous.
But the guy who sings the "aahhhhhhh" part is damn scary. His eyes are like damn blue and WOAH.
I heard the 2002 World Cup version before. I wonder if I get my hands on it. It's wonderful.
Utt is hot.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007 | 16:46
AUGUST FIRST! "Augustus Gloop Augustus Gloop." I <3 Willy Wonka.
This is an uber cute picture of Kaka'.
Look! He's wearing that Chinese cheongsam thing that Chinese people wear on Chinese New Year! It's red. I love red. I was laughing at his adorable-ness when I first saw this picture. I just HAD to put this picture up! And he's doing that thing with his hands. So cute!
Gorgeous Brazilian boy posing as an Asian boy
Look! He's wearing that Chinese cheongsam thing that Chinese people wear on Chinese New Year! It's red. I love red. I was laughing at his adorable-ness when I first saw this picture. I just HAD to put this picture up! And he's doing that thing with his hands. So cute!

Today was kinda-sorta funny. :)
During recess Marie finally told Gill and stuff that her party's cancelled. They got a bit angry and Gill was like, "What if I like, cancelled my aunt's... baby's... birth party or something?!"
I'm like, "Huh? What's that?"
I'm like, "Huh? What's that?"
Marie keeps apologising to Gill and the rest. I leave to buy a piece of watermelon.
When I come back, Rachael grabs my hand and says Marie is crying. I'm like, What the hell?
So I go sit next to Marie and her arms are folded on the table and she rests her head upon then and she's sobbing like crazy. We're all like, "Marie! Why're you crying??" We all try to comfort her and stuff. I offer her some watermelon, Gill offered her some too and Rachael offered her some weird shit.
Gwen saw us asking Marie if she wanted food and she went, "Oh man, I wish I could cry. Then everybody will give me food." I laughed like hell.
But Marie declines everything and she doesn't say anything. Urgh.
After 5 minutes, Gill and I decide to buy another piece of watermelon, and when we come back, Rachael grabs my arm again and says, "Marie said I'm annoying."
I go, "Why?"
I go, "Why?"
She goes, "I don't know. Whatever. I have to go. Tell her I'm sorry for being annoying. Tell her later."
Rachael leaves.
I sit down next to Marie and she's done crying. Gwen puts her two unwanted and uneaten triangles of bread from her sandwiches and wraps it in the clingfoil it came in. She starts offering everybody, "You want?"
We're all like, "Ew! No."
And she says," But it's handmade, and yummy."
"What the hell? Which sandwhiches are not handmade?", I say.
"Err..... I don't know! :D Hahah." says Gwen.
I look at Marie. She starts talking to me and then I say, "Rachael says she's sorry for being annoying."
Almost immediately, Rachael comes back because she forgot her books. Marie grabs Rachael's pinafore and goes, "Sorry! Sorry! You're not annoying!!!" Rachael trys to squirm away but Marie's grip is tight. After a while of pulling, tugging, and a whole lot of whining, Rachael finally gives in and says, "Okay! Fine! Stop pulling my pinafore."
First Marie looks alright. She almost smiles.
Then suddenly she moans, "You all make me feel so baaadd!"
And her whole face goes red and she sits behind me and starts crying on my back. Like, really really ohmygosh crying.
I'm like, WHAT THE HELL?!!
The mood change was so drastic and everybody else's jaws were like at their feet. I try so hard not to laugh but I laugh anyway and so does Gwen, Mervelle, Gill and Gloria. We're all like WTF.
I laugh so hard no sound comes out, and Gill tries to cover up my laughter by saying, "Ah Marie, see! You're making Annabel cry now. "
I laugh even harder and Rachael slaps my arm. Like, OW.
And finally, she stops crying. And all this happens in a matter of minutes.
I ask her if she's PMSing and she laughs. Or at least it looked like she was laughing.
Ac Milan beat Lecco 4-0! Kaka' impressed and scored a goal! Woohoo!
"Scoring and winning is always a pleasure", the Brazilian said to Milan Channel. "Winning friendlies is also important, it's good for the morale and our self-confidence. Besides, for me there are no friendlies, I try to play every game to my best, as if it were a final.
"Until today we have had a good first part of the preparations, which we were not able to do last year; my condition is good, but there's still a lot of room for improvement".
Last year Milan also played a friendly against Lecco, which they won 2-0; scoring twice as many goals this time could be a good omen for next season, as Kaká agreed: "Yes, let's hope the trophies will double as well. Last year I couldn't be here, this year I managed to play, I feel very good: it's important to be with the team from the start, and take part in all the trainings."
Go Kaka'! :) Kaka o Meravigliao!
I want my Ang Ku Kueh!
You better remember, babeS! ;)
I saw Michelle Kang today. :0
She's in a full green uniform, just like Rachel said she was. She's still using her same old orange bag.
Home Ec tomorrow! We're making cupcakes! Yum.
([] Cupcakes! {[]