I like that old 5ive song.
Alright, so this is my first "normal" post in a really long time. When I say normal, I really mean I'm just gonna write about the stuff I did that you probably don't give a damn about! Starting now.
So it's been a pretty busy week so far. Went out on Monday with Sam, had dinner with family at Gill's uncle's restaurant; Joe's Kitchen. Good Thai food, by the way. Tuesday was spent with Sam and Amanda. We watched Four Christmases, which is quite funny. The ending's kinda dumb, but I didn't really expect much of this movie anyway.
Wednesday- caught Wildchild with Gill, Nut, Rachael and Eugenia. Haven't seen Rachael in pretty long, so that was good. (: Nut and I were supposed to meet Gill and Rachael at the ticket counter, and so I was on the phone with Gill so she could direct me to where she was, when suddenly, this kid runs into me. He was playing catching or something. So I get a shock and I go, "Oh f***!". Gill's still on the phone and happily she says, "Oh I see you! You just got hit by that boy and you said "oh f***." Damn those kids.
And after that, while walking towards the escalators after the movie, I walk into this old-ish man and I make some sound. I can't remember what sound exactly, but a sound. I assumed it was one of us, but hell no, I was wrong. Nut and I got into a laughing fit after that.
We headed to Gill's house soon after and we just did some random things, then took a bus to Jalan Kayu for dinner. We had dim sum. Eugenia and Nut have never had ha cheong kai, which I don't know how to spell, in their lives. That's like the chicken wings fried in prawn paste. Well, apparently, Eugenia doesn't get to eat chicken wings because her mother says they're bad and injected with hormones and all. Oh em gee. Gwen joined us for dinner after we were done eating. So, we just sat there watching her eat fried rice with a fork. Wednesday was fun. (:
And today, was spent lazing around. I think it was my only free day this week. I woke up at like just after 3pm. For the first time in my life! I have never slept till so late before. Must be the badinfluence. Hurhur. I slept at 5.30am the night before though, so that means I slept for about 9 and a half hours, which is not that bad. As compared to my sister who has to sleep for at least 12 hours when she can.
Attended mass with Becca at 6, then talked to some people until a bit after 7. Addison hit me. Yeah I just want to put this here for the whole world to see. Hahah.
Well, tomorrow's another day. Going to town with Mervelle and Nutzy wutzy. (:
A bit random, but I'm trying not to think so much nowadays. I'm not quite sure if it's working yet though. We'll see how it goes.
This has been a pretty long post for an almost non-existent audience, so I think I shall end here, and go back to watching Chick vs Dick (retardedly hilarious) and Mind Your Language. Throw in an episode of Who's Line Is It Anyway?.
Can't wait for Christmas!
Cheers. (:
Tuesday, 25 November 2008 | 16:27
Shadow wanted, wanted very much, to reach out and put his hand over Wednesday's gray hand. He wanted to tell him that everything would be okay - something Shadow did not feel, but that he knew had to be said. There were men in black trains out there. There was a fat kid in a strectch limo and there were people in the television who did not mean them well.
He did not touch Wednesday. He did not say anything.
Later he wondered if he could have changed things, if that gesture would have done any good, if it could have averted any of the harm that was to come. He told himself it wouldn't. But still, afterward, he wished that, just for a moment on that slow flight home, he had touched Wednesday's hand.
- Neil Gaiman, (American Gods)
Sunday, 2 November 2008 | 01:03
I really liked cat class today. Much better compared to last week. Hahah. Maybe my complaints worked. We had a reflection followed by a sharing and it was really good.
I guess all this has been on my mind for quite a while but the sharing and voicing it out just made me realise it much more you know? I realised that I've really grown much closer to God than before. There has been quite a change since last year till now. I've been turning more to God now and I feel that he helps me. I don't feel it ALL the time, but the SOMEtimes help me to remember that he's always there.I have learnt to place my trust in God more, and even if Jessica doubts so I think cat class has played a part in this. I realise 2008 has been quite a year for me. probably the most impactful in all my 14 years. Most eventful. I think I've grown spiritually and that has always been my goal. It still is. I guess problems we encounter in life really do turn out to be blessings in disguise, because from turning to God and seeking his help, I've finally realised that he is the centre of my life. And I live and build around it. He is a pillar of strength in my life and I'm scared for next year, but I know when facing problems or anything, I can always trust in him, Christ the redeemer.
And the fact that all the girls were sharing today made me feel quite happy. Hahah. Jessica looked pretty happy too. So yeah, I enjoyed class today. We sorta had a praise and worship thing too. (:
Halloween yesterday. It was prettaye fun. We went trick or treating! We got candy and some weird looks. Even an, "OMG!". Then we headed to town to take pictures with random people and just spread the Halloween spirit! (: Gill and I went as ruggers. We didn't really look like ruggers, but oh well! Pictures next time. (:...
I really liked cat class today. Much better compared to last week. Hahah. Maybe my complaints worked. We had a reflection followed by a sharing and it was really good.
I guess all this has been on my mind for quite a while but the sharing and voicing it out just made me realise it much more you know? I realised that I've really grown much closer to God than before. There has been quite a change since last year till now. I've been turning more to God now and I feel that he helps me. I don't feel it ALL the time, but the SOMEtimes help me to remember that he's always there.I have learnt to place my trust in God more, and even if Jessica doubts so I think cat class has played a part in this. I realise 2008 has been quite a year for me. probably the most impactful in all my 14 years. Most eventful. I think I've grown spiritually and that has always been my goal. It still is. I guess problems we encounter in life really do turn out to be blessings in disguise, because from turning to God and seeking his help, I've finally realised that he is the centre of my life. And I live and build around it. He is a pillar of strength in my life and I'm scared for next year, but I know when facing problems or anything, I can always trust in him, Christ the redeemer.
And the fact that all the girls were sharing today made me feel quite happy. Hahah. Jessica looked pretty happy too. So yeah, I enjoyed class today. We sorta had a praise and worship thing too. (:
Halloween yesterday. It was prettaye fun. We went trick or treating! We got candy and some weird looks. Even an, "OMG!". Then we headed to town to take pictures with random people and just spread the Halloween spirit! (: Gill and I went as ruggers. We didn't really look like ruggers, but oh well! Pictures next time. (:
Saturday, 25 October 2008 | 00:37
Seasons of Love
Well the school year has finally come to an end. I thought I would be happier that the day I've been waiting for this whole year finally came on Thursday, but I'm not, really. Kinda sad actually. I'm really going to miss awesome 2/3. Leaving the classroom at the end of school that day was so emotional. People were crying and all. I can't bear to leave 2/3. And reading Mervelle's blog post has just reminded me yet again that we're leaving each other. We'll be 2/3 no more. I'll really miss the class. We've had some problems with bonding with each other, especially last year in 1/3, but I think we've really progressed throughout the time we've spent together. Everyone put in effort to get what we have today, and I'm really grateful for that. We've come a long way, my friends, and I'll miss each and every one of you.
Happy thoughts.
Oh Mervelle, Nut, Gloria, Gwen, Gill, Clara, Zara, Eugenia and I went to Botanic Gardens for the last day of school! We bought snacks and food to make sandwiches from Fairprice, and we had a picnic! It was fun! We played the game I learnt in Con 2 camp. And a stupid catching game that Eugenia taught us. It is like the most confusing catching game I have ever played in my entire life. I had lots of fun though. And we ate a lot. A lot.
I love this picture because Mervelle is a loser. Hahah. I cracked up when I saw this on Mervelle's blog. This was taken sometime last week? Nut and Mervelle had a drawing competition, and as you can see, Nut won and Mervelle the loser lost. ): Hahah. Gee, I hope she doesn't see this.
Eugenia, Nut, Gloria, Gwen and I having a picnic! Mervelle behind the camera. (:
Well the school year has finally come to an end. I thought I would be happier that the day I've been waiting for this whole year finally came on Thursday, but I'm not, really. Kinda sad actually. I'm really going to miss awesome 2/3. Leaving the classroom at the end of school that day was so emotional. People were crying and all. I can't bear to leave 2/3. And reading Mervelle's blog post has just reminded me yet again that we're leaving each other. We'll be 2/3 no more. I'll really miss the class. We've had some problems with bonding with each other, especially last year in 1/3, but I think we've really progressed throughout the time we've spent together. Everyone put in effort to get what we have today, and I'm really grateful for that. We've come a long way, my friends, and I'll miss each and every one of you.
Happy thoughts.
Oh Mervelle, Nut, Gloria, Gwen, Gill, Clara, Zara, Eugenia and I went to Botanic Gardens for the last day of school! We bought snacks and food to make sandwiches from Fairprice, and we had a picnic! It was fun! We played the game I learnt in Con 2 camp. And a stupid catching game that Eugenia taught us. It is like the most confusing catching game I have ever played in my entire life. I had lots of fun though. And we ate a lot. A lot.
And, we watched High School Musical 3 earlier just now. The dances were really good. I love the choreography. Go watch it. After the movie and lunch, Nut and I finally pierced our second hole. We've been planning it for quite some time but never got round to it till a few hours ago! Awesome.
I shall leave the part about results and how freakishly scared I am for next year out to another time.
For now, pictures. (:

Sunday, 19 October 2008 | 20:05
Do You Remember?
Things seem a bit different now. It's always like this after we haven't spoken for like two weeks. But maybe it's just me, being paranoid. Worrying too much. Because somehow, it always goes back to normal in the end, doesn't it? If only you weren't so...busy. Or if you showed that you cared more. I think we need a phone call.
Just came back from dance practice at Gwen's house about an hour ago. We've got most of our choreography down pat, except for one part. And I learnt one move for the class over the phone. How cool is that? Hahah.
Results are all back and they kinda suck. I'm just relieved for some subjects. I didn't fail my long essay. Still somehow managed to get my A1. (: And I passed Math and Chinese. I got Bs. That totally made my day on Thursday. Hopefully I get into one of the classes I want next year.
Anyway, I need a shower. I stink....
Things seem a bit different now. It's always like this after we haven't spoken for like two weeks. But maybe it's just me, being paranoid. Worrying too much. Because somehow, it always goes back to normal in the end, doesn't it? If only you weren't so...busy. Or if you showed that you cared more. I think we need a phone call.
Just came back from dance practice at Gwen's house about an hour ago. We've got most of our choreography down pat, except for one part. And I learnt one move for the class over the phone. How cool is that? Hahah.
Results are all back and they kinda suck. I'm just relieved for some subjects. I didn't fail my long essay. Still somehow managed to get my A1. (: And I passed Math and Chinese. I got Bs. That totally made my day on Thursday. Hopefully I get into one of the classes I want next year.
Anyway, I need a shower. I stink.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008 | 15:38
Super Trouper
A breath of fresh air.
Alas, I went to Vivo for the first time in ages. Caught Mamma Mia, my third movie in five days, with Tab, Fran, Becca and Eugenia. Eugenia was right- Meryl Streep dancing is highly disturbing. Quite a nice movie, albeit a lengthy one. Considering getting the soundtrack, actually.
I grabbed this picture from Becca's blog. I have some other nice ones but I can't upload without my laptop. Damn. Maybe next time.
I'm kinda keen on a trip to Escape now. We planned to go on Friday but it was closed. Yes, we took the bloody train to Pasir Ris, and the stupidly hot bus all the way to find that the gates were closed. While we were walking towards escape, I said, "I don't hear any screams." And instead of thinking that maybe it was closed, we happily thought, "Oh maybe it's not crowded today! Yay."
So much for thinking on the bright side. School tomorrow. I'm quite excited. Not so much about getting results, but I kinda miss it. (: I like post-exam period.
I shall remind Gill to bring Uno Stacko. (:
A breath of fresh air.
Alas, I went to Vivo for the first time in ages. Caught Mamma Mia, my third movie in five days, with Tab, Fran, Becca and Eugenia. Eugenia was right- Meryl Streep dancing is highly disturbing. Quite a nice movie, albeit a lengthy one. Considering getting the soundtrack, actually.
I'm kinda keen on a trip to Escape now. We planned to go on Friday but it was closed. Yes, we took the bloody train to Pasir Ris, and the stupidly hot bus all the way to find that the gates were closed. While we were walking towards escape, I said, "I don't hear any screams." And instead of thinking that maybe it was closed, we happily thought, "Oh maybe it's not crowded today! Yay."
So much for thinking on the bright side. School tomorrow. I'm quite excited. Not so much about getting results, but I kinda miss it. (: I like post-exam period.
I shall remind Gill to bring Uno Stacko. (:
Friday, 10 October 2008 | 10:57
Somewhere Along in the Bitterness.
Going to Escape later. I don't know what to expect. Also because I haven't been there in years.
But at least you know the roller coasters end in 2 minutes....
Argh, I've got a splitting headache.
Well, exams are finally over. No more mugging. At least for another two or three months. Now, we await our results/doom.
Going to Escape later. I don't know what to expect. Also because I haven't been there in years.
But at least you know the roller coasters end in 2 minutes.